Friday, March 25, 2011

Greenling Box 3/24 - Dandelion Greens woah

Dandelion greens are a total newbie for me but they are known for their detoxifying and they have a ton of vitamin C & A & iron.
I also got some spearmint apprantly! The list says "herb" and it didn't smell totally minty to me so i took a pic and put the call out on twitter - two people said mint or maybe lemon balm but the folks at Greenling confirmed spearmint. - not sure what to do with it, tea maybe

here's the list:

3 Tomatoes
Dandelion Greens
LA Shallots
2 Avocados

The Carrots look amazing! really fat carrots with a ton of green tops that will make my guinea pig Drizzle extremely happy

Tomatoes i usually chop for salads or slice for sandwhiches, but the Greenling Box came with a quicky recipe for Roasted sliced Tomatos that sounds too good to not doo. just olive oil & vinegar, garlic, salt, peper & sugar (?) and roast till they begin to carmelize - ok yum

Dandelion Greens - This Warm New Potato & Dandelion Green Salad seems so perfect for the spring transtion from hot foods to cool salads, & i lurve new potatos

RADishes - i am excited to have these, they seem to always be in the box on the weeks i don't get delivery!
I'm really Torn between making a vegan version of this Spicy Radish Sandwich - or this Quinoa w/ROASTED Radishes - so we'll see what happens.  I love fancy sandwhiches - but anything roasted and anything quinoa are obviously gonna be winners

I don't want the Radish Green tops to go to waste so check out all these things to do with Radish Greens -

Spinach & Kale - i want to make this ridiculously good looking BLT SALAD from Vegan YumYum, it's not the same kind of kale but it should work. I'm still craving that Kale chickpea salad from last box so i may just make that again instead!

Avocados just don't last long, i eat them daily in salads & spread on toast.

Alright, gotta get cooking!

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