So excited to still be getting Strawberries!!
here's the list
(also i didn't post about the box before so will include some things i made from it anyway)
Baby Yukina
Green Kale
Sweet Potato
Valencia Oranges
Red Fresh Onions
Mixed Beets
So the Strawbs, an orang and some kale & spinache went in this breakfast smoothie to die for
Yukina is a green I haven't seen before! but here is a tasty looking recipe Yukina Stir Fry w/Tofu
Kale - smoothie as above, but there's some left over that I will steam tonight or make into a salad
Broccoli, i just steamed some for lunch, i really just love it plain like that
Sweet Potato - Beets - Onions - i am planning to chop these babies up, and roast them to perfection!
Oranges/Grapefruit - smoothie!
Dill - I must make a dressing i think - like this one - Creamy Vegan Dill Dressing
Here's one from the last box - i got mixed colored carrots and made this Carrot Soup!
I have been digging the strawberries too! I hope they last forever :)