Monday, January 10, 2011

Sweet Potato Soup - Spicy love

so the final recipe i made frm m y first greenling box was with the last 2 sweet potatoes.
Sweet Potato & Peanut Soup from the February 2011 curren issue of VegNews magazine - it has a chile and some cayenne in it and was really to die for!

I found some amazing sprouted whole wheat sourdough bread at Whole Foods to have with it.

I did sort of attempt to make chimichurri with the last of the parsley, i actually do have a food processor but it's really old, and far back in a cupboard of my itty bitty kitchen, and the lid is broken so that the tab that locks it and threfore allows it to work is off, so I have to jimmy it with a knife, i haven't used it in years cos of this factor. it's a pain.
But i was dying to try this. i really didn't have enough parsley
so what i made was too onion heavy to be chimichurri, nonetheless i did eat it over a big old mushroom like vegan lazy smurf suggested!

New box comes thursday 13th - yippee

I'm thinking i need to expand my grains - so i'm going to buy quinoa today in anticipation of the box, and figure out at least one recipe based on that.

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