Saturday, October 25, 2014

Thug Greenling

I'm so loving my new Thug Kitchen cookbook!

First I made these very tasty Black Bean Squash enchiladas - they don't look like the beautyful photo in the cookbook, and they fell apart a little upon serving, but I would totally serve these to people.  I have actually never made enchiladas before so I gotta look into how not to have the tortillas fall apart!

First I made this Roasted Potato Salad - using the box potatoes and subbing cilantro from the box instead of parsley - I would totally take this to a potluck

Here is the persimmon chia pudding - it was OK, i might add dates or maple syrup next time to sweeten it up a bit, i used unsweetened coconut milk

Un-pictured are the peas - i just cooked em up plain to mix with rice or quinoa and greens and i had some leftover of that cashew cheeze that was good with it!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Local Box 10/16/14 - Vegan Greenling Meal Plan

Some repeats this week but that's cool, it's all stuff i love!  the only difference from the photo is my summer squash is yellow and I got the Mustard Greens instead of the red russian kale

Mibuna Mild Mustard Herb Bag

Broccoli Raab Greens

Baby Bok Choy

Mustard Greens


Field Peas

Summer Squash



Assorted Potatoes

Butternut Squash

Mibuna,  Broccoli Raab Greeens, and Mustard Greens - I will probably just steam, or saute these or add to kitchari of the week.

Baby Bok Choy - look at this Spicy Roasted Bok Choy Recipe - can't wait to make this!

Cilantro - always can use cilantro on tacos or maybe make some salsa

Field Peas - will just cook up and eat with rice and greens

Summer Sqash - I just got the book Thug Kitchen as there is a book signing tonight - and found Sweet Potato Squash & Black Beam Enchiladas, it also has a summer squash soup!

Persimmons - more smoothies with the apples!  however, i am very tempted by this Persimmon Chia Pudding

Potatoes - not sure, maybe roast or sautee up for some tacos, and there's a great Roasted Potato Salad recipe in that Thug Kitchen book

Butternut Sqash - after my delicious roasted squash last week, i'm afraid i have to repeat that.  too good for words

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Persimmon Smoothie & more...

I tried to look up some persimmon recipes and frankly just felt lazy about it all - so I revitalized my smoothies from last fall, using the apples too! - just tweaked slightly:

Almond milk, banana, persimmon, apple, almond butter, spinach, cinnamon, cardamom, chia.

Butternut Squash -  I used one of them in this delicious squash curry recipe that I got from Natural Epicurian - basically, squash, sweet potato, tomato, leek, curry spices.  so so so good.

I used the other one just mega roasted, skin on, with coconut oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and dash of cinnamon.  I think I could eat a whole squash in one sitting.

Black Eyed Peas - yes, i made this very tasty Hoppin' John from the Vegetarian Times cookbook, it has tempeh in it too.

I served it with rice and a dollop of the Dill & Chive Cashew Cheese which i have eaten also just spread on a rice cake and kind of on anything - like the steamed Baby Chard & Collard Mix

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Local Box 10/2/14 - Vegan Greenling Mealplan

Joy of joy's - the box is clearly turning"fall"

It says this picture of of last weeks local box but it's essentially what i got minus the limes and plus persimmons!

Pea Shoots
Black Eyed Peas
Baby Chard & collard mix
Chinese Long Beans
Dill/Chive mix
Red Potatoes
Butternut Squash

ok - here goes

Pea Shoots - i already gave some to Drizzle and he likes - but there's a recipe that came with the box (there's always 3 or 4 recipes using some of the contents on the back of the paper that lists the contents!) - that looks easy and tasty - Pea Shoots with Garlic - stir fried with a soy sauce mixture. I found this one online that looks good with ginger - Stir Fried Pea shoots with Garlic and Ginger

Black Eyed Peas - I think I'm going to make a Hoppin' John recipe with Tempeh from my old old faithful cookbook the Vegetarian Times Cookbook - serve with brown rice

Baby Chard & Collard mix - will go in this weeks Kichari - there is a ton so will also probably just steam and serve with balsamic vinegar & nutritional yeast as a side dish

Chinese Long Beans - stir fried with garlic! Or thrown into Kichari

Dill/Chive Mix  - ummmmm Dill & Chive Cashew Cheese - 'nuff said
and if it doesn't use it all then these simple Peas with Dill & Chive

Persimmons - last year I discovered persimmons in a smoothie with fall spices, I'm ready again!

Apples - just eat - likely with almond butter for a snack

Butternut Squash - not sure yet!! I've been so excited to get butternut squash that I'm craving it in a million different ways. sooooo may be some roasted dish, or a curry dish.