Saturday, July 14, 2012

Local Box 7/12/12 - Marmite "Roasties"

before i list this weeks bounty - i must post my amazing butternut squash soup i made from the last box. Seems weird to have a butternut in the summer but they are so delish who cares.
From my new cookbook "Quick & Easy Low-Cal Vegan Comfort Food" by Alicia C. Simpson i made Chipotle Butternut Squash Bisque - the Chipotle made it addicting, just spicy enough. Very simple healthy recipe !

Ok on to this week!

Purple Hull Peas
Muzina Microgreens
Sweet Peppers
Green Onions
Red Potatoes

Peas i will just cook and eat as a side or mixed with a grain.  OR i may buy another butternut and make another soup recipe from that cookbook, there is a Black Eyed Pea soup recipe that uses butternut puree and i'm sure the Purple Hull Peas would sub perfectly

Mizuna Microgreens - i love microgreens added to my salads. They are very nutrient dense

Okra - roasted as usual, i really cannot stray from this recipe - Roasted Okra

Green Onions - probably in a salad

Sweet Peppers - i think i will saute or stir fry with the Zucchini and some onion for a simple veg side dish

the Red Potatoes i have have HAVE to make this recipe with Marmite. I love marmite, this just sounds so amazing Marmite Roasted Potatoes

I will probably keep the skin on as that's how i like em - gotta love the British "roasties"

Monday, July 9, 2012

delicious beans

Making the fresh pinto beans was so easy and so good - just boiled them with water and garlic like THIS RECIPE minus the bacon dripings

I did make the the saute also, onions, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and summer squash, with some fresh basil so simple and really good. I ate it actually in a tortilla with the beans. so good!

The sauteed turnip greens, amazing
The cantaloupe was the best i've ever had.